
Monday, October 31, 2011

On your mark, get set, Nanowrimo!

Ok life got in the way... daughters' school project, husband passing a kidney stone, full time job and this RAIN! I know kidney stones are painful, but men are such babies! He is ok now. Thank goodness because my patience was running thin. I'm just venting- I love him to pieces. Anyway, how exciting that nanowrimo starts at midnight. Yay! I signed up this year with the hopes of at least getting 20,000 words down. Just to write, write, write without looking back. No fixing sentences. No spellcheck.  I have never done this type of writing before so lets see if this style fits. So this is the plan; at midnight I will start rewriting the first 15 pages that I had already written for the M&B contest I entered. I made some changes and it needs to be rewritten. Only these 15 pages will be written and polished so I can send it in to the GOTCHA! contest. By the way, the contest was extended to Nov. 6th! Then tomorrow I start on page 16 the nanowrimo way. Good luck to all who entered this year. And now- drum roll- the website of the day is... Author! Author! ok, ok, I know it's a blog, but BOY is this blog FULL of useful information! Please check it out and pass it along to other newbie authors that need this type of info. This blog discusses character development, dialogue, how to edit your own manuscript, how to work with an agent, how to promote your book, tips on entering contests, how to use punctuation correctly and it goes on and on. I cannot say enough good comments about this blog. It is simply AWESOME! Hello, to my new subscribers and welcome to my humble blog. Please leave a comment, would love to hear from you guys.